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Anti-epidemic drill conducted in No.1 MS


"Students" in white school uniforms and wearing masks entered the school gate with their suitcases. They walked through the blue temperature measurement passage where two temperature measurement devices automatically read their temperatures and collected information……

On the morning of March 22, the 2020 Spring Back-to-School Drill was held at No.1 Middle School of Zhongshan (No.1 MS). Thirty young teachers from the school acted as "students" and demonstrated the school workflow after re-opening through a drill.

During the drill, each "student" has one desk, and all desks were in a single line, maximizing the effective distance between each other. They went to the cafeteria to have a meal in different groups according to their schedules. Single-use medical masks shall be worn throughout the course.

Liu Xiaobi, vice principal of the school, said that each class had a designated dining area and each student had a designated dining number. If a problem is found, it could be quickly traced and investigated.

On the same day, there was also a table-top exercise for follow-up treatment of possible emergency situations in different places.

It is reported that Zhongshan's education system will continue to make the most comprehensive preparations, carry out practical drills, and ensure the strictest guarantees for the safety of school opening in the spring semester.

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