Great Shots of the Week is a weekly photo solicitation event held by Zhongshan Daily to collect photos from the public every week. Top 6 winners will be given prizes and electronic certificates. All residents including expats are welcome to participate and record beautiful moments in Zhongshan every week. Winners of the week (March 11 to March 17) are as follows.
Zhongshan Enveloped in Clouds (First prize): Morning of March 12, the area surrounding Kayin New Town in Torch Development Zone is enveloped in clouds and mist, reminiscent of a fairyland. (By Liang Jiajun)
Sunrise over Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link (Second prize): Morning of March 12, the sun slowly rises above the horizon. The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link is like a gigantic dragon basking in the morning sunshine. (By Huang Xiaonan)
Fisher Woman (Second prize): March 15, a fisher woman checks the dried fish in Shanglan Village, Nanlang Sub-district. (By Huang Zhuorong)
Within Tides (Third prize): March 12 at sunset, fishermen work busily when the tide is out, expecting a bountiful harvest. (By Li Yan)
Romantic Battle (Third prize): March 16, during a social event held in Shiqi Sub-district, young men and women make friends through interactive games. (By Yang Yaobin)
Vegetable Fashion Show (Third prize): March 16, Sanxiang Town holds a tourism and culture event in Tanggan Village. Kids from kindergartens perform a vegetable fashion show. (By Mi Li)