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2.1 mln passengers travel from Zhongshan during Spring Festival travel rush

The 2022 Spring Festival travel rush is halfway over and remains a safe and stable situation in Zhongshan. As of February 9, Zhongshan had sent off a total of 2,125,300 passengers, 35.50% less than a year earlier.

Some 1,769,500 passengers traveled via road transport, a yearly decrease of 38.32%; 355,700 via railway transport, a yearly decrease of 15.09%; and 100 via waterway transport, a yearly decrease of 98.75%. Some 5,455,756 vehicles were recorded on expressways, down by 32.94% year-on-year.

A spokesperson from the Zhongshan Municipal Spring Festival Travel Rush Office said that in the coming days, Zhongshan will improve reporting methods for people coming or returning to Zhongshan from other provinces and cities during the Spring Festival and will promote relevant health regulations. The city will promote direct shuttle and pick up options between transportation enterprises and employers.

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