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Zhongshan has 5th most high-tech enterprises in Guangdong

"In the first month of the new year, we have signed over 10 million yuan in sales contracts. This year, our company will usher in a new stage of development." Ji Ming, the founder and CEO of Zhongshan IBD Technology Co Ltd (IBDTEC) said with confidence.

IBDTEC developed rapidly in 2020, with its product sales increasing by about 10 times over 2019. In Zhongshan, a number of high-tech enterprises like IBDTEC are seeing accelerated development.

From January to November 2020, Zhongshan's industrial investment increased by 52.9% year on year. In specific, investment in high-tech industries increased by 78.8%. Companies like Ming Yang Smart Energy, TCL Air Conditioner (Zhongshan), Union Optech, Akeso Inc among others keep increasing their investment in scientific and technological innovation for a faster growth.

In early January 2021, the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province announced the newly recognized provincial technology business incubators for 2020. Three units in Zhongshan were recognized as provincial technological incubators. So far, Zhongshan has 15 provincial technology business incubators.

In 2020, Zhongshan has 2 more national maker spaces, 3 more provincial technology business incubators, 1 more provincial university-based science park, 2 more municipal technology business incubators, and 13 more municipal maker spaces. The number of technology incubators above the municipal level totaled 73.

Moreover, Zhongshan selected 20 companies as municipal benchmarking innovative enterprises last year. By the end of 2020, Zhongshan has the 5th most high-tech enterprises in Guangdong Province.

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