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Sun Yat-sen Villa

A photo taken in front of the villa

Sun Yat-sen Villa is located on No. 12 Tai Gin Road, 5 kilometers away from the downtown of Singapore. The villa has close connection with Sun Yat-sen, a great man. In the early 20th Century, Sun Yat-sen sailed across the sea to Singapore and set up there the headquarters for his revolutionary activities. A tamarind tree stands in a corner of the garden. The seed of the tree was brought to Singapore by forefathers from Zhongshan. The root of the seed is still in Zhongshan. Singapore people with Zhongshan origin are just like the seeds sowed by the forefathers, and are always emotionally attached to their hometown. A special exhibition about Sun Yat-sen and his families is being held in Singapore. 173 cultural relics are being displayed at the exhibition which lasts from Jun. 20 to Oct. 18.

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