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Flowers beautify Zhongshan City

South Guangdong embraces an early spring, witnessing the beauty of it through the plants while Northern China is still bearing the freezing coldness. Cherry, Kelsang and Canalo flowers come into blossom one after another during the Spring Festival. Scenic spots in the towns hold colorful flowers festivals naming after different flowers. As the flowers are still in blossom, those who go back to their hometown for the Spring Festival could still enjoy the flowery scenes when returning to Zhongshan.

Around 40,000 flowerpots of chrysanthemum cheer for the springtime in Sun Yat-sen Memorial Park; peach flowers come into blossom in peach valley of Zhongshan Arboretum; exotic cheery flowers compete against each other in Quanlin Cheery Valley of Sanxiang town; flower festival to celebrate the new year is held in Huangpu Marine Abrasion site; Kelsang flowers present waves of flowers in Happy Farm of Nan Lang town.

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