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Zhongshan to build a white Liancheng Duck promotion site


At the Modern Agriculture Breeding Base in Wuguishan District in Zhongshan, white Liancheng ducks can be seen playing in the water. With white feathers, black beaks and black feet, they are very similar to the egrets foraging on the edges of the fields.

According to the Divine Book of Ten Medicinal Formulas in Qing Dynasty, the white Liancheng duck can be used to treat hemoptysis and tuberculosis and is a therapeutic supplementary food for various diseases. In September 2008, the Zhongshan Municipal Agricultural Science and Technology Extension Center introduced white Liancheng duck into Zhongshan and succeeded in their reproduction.

Due to the high cost of breeding, most farmers initially raised those ducks only for personal consumption. To promote the popularity of white Liancheng ducks and increase both the production and income of farmers, the Zhongshan Municipal Agricultural Science and Technology Extension Center and farmers are planning to build a promotion site in order to allow more consumers to buy or raise the ducks.

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